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Cervantes and the CSIC

Friday, 22 April 2016

CSIC has promoted research about Cervantes and contributed to a better understanding of his life and his work. It is also editor of the only Spanish magazine dedicated to the genius of our letters, 'Anales Cervantinos', and Libraries and Archives Network cluster some unique units and other rares and valuables that allow better understand the dissemination of the work of the Prince of Wits.

New tools available in JCR and ESI

Monday, 5 October 2015

Thomson Reuters offers the Spanish research community the integration of a new Journal Citation Report and Essential Science Indicators in Incites platform. These new tools enhance existing and traditional searches, it is among its new features incorporating new metrics such as standardized Eigenfactor Journal Impact Factor percentile (JIF). It also allows filtering magazines for open access quartile and percentile JIF.
