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Coauthor Index, actualitzat. Pràctiques de coautoría dels investigadors espanyols

We just updated the Co-author Index, a tool that allows us to know the habits and practices of co-authorship of Spanish researchers in the different fields and disciplines in which scientific knowledge is organized.

The co-authorship index has been calculated in articles published by Spanish authors in 20,000 national and international journals. Co-authorship indicators can be consulted by journal or discipline for an specific year. It also offers the data at the global level for the entire period analyzed and its evolution over time. In case of the disciplines, the values ​​of the national and international journals (the foreign journals processed in the Web of Science) are shown, in order to be able to compare each year the differences in co-authorship rates in each area.

Co-author Index will help Spanish researchers to justify their co-authorship practices, something explicitly required in the new regulations. It will also guide the managers of scientific policies and the managers and evaluators of the Spanish agencies, informing them of the reference rates of co-authorship in the journals and in the disciplines published by Spanish researchers.

In this web you can consult it: http://www.coauthorindex.info

Monday, 19 December 2016