
Liti / Litio / LithiumBrom / Brom / BromineArgó / Argón / ArgonItri / Itrio / Yttrium



Nature Index is a bibliometric ranking of institutions and countries created in 2014 by Springer Nature. It is updated monthly from the publications of a select group of journals. The scientific disciplines represented are: chemistry; physical; Earth and environmental sciences and life sciences.

Recently new features have been introduced that aim to improve the balance between the disciplines -it has gone from a selection of 68 to 82 current scientific journals of excellence (18 new and 4 eliminated)-. In this way, the ranking limits the excessive representation of astronomy and astrophysics journals, and increases the coverage of earth sciences and environmental sciences and life sciences.

The changes have also led to a reduction from 3 to 2 indicators with l'Article Count (full count of the authors and institutions that sign an article) and the Fractional Count (fractioned counting). The rankings of institutions and countries can be sorted by the two indicators and filtered by regions / countries, institutional sectors and scientific disciplines.

The new list of journals has been determined by two panels of 60 independent academics, selected to avoid biases by areas, regions and genres. There has also been a global survey of the scientific community that has received 6,600 responses. In total, the publications represent 4-5% of the articles indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database in those areas represented in the ranking.

For more information, you can consult the Nature Index website.


Friday, 6 July 2018