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At what point in the publication process should you apply for the CSIC's open access publication grant?

The CSIC, through its Scientific Information Resources for Research Unit (URICI), has agreements with some publishers to support (thanks to discounts in the APCs) the publication in open access of articles by CSIC authors.

This program of support for publication in OA has limited funds and has established a series of requirements to guarantee, on the one hand, that the assistance of the institution in co-financing the APC is made visible in the article, and on the other hand, that the Digital.CSIC repository also benefits from the program, thanks to the commitments that the authors acquire with respect to depositing their scientific production in this repository.

When applying for the grant there are differences depending on the publisher in question:

For BMC, Springer Open, RSC, Copernicus Publications, PLOS ONE and IntechOpen, you must apply for the grant before starting the submission of your manuscript or, in any case, before finishing the submission. It is requested using the formulario de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC.

For Frontiers you must apply for the grant immediately after sending the manuscript. It is requested using the formulario de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC.

For Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and Pensoft Publishers, you must apply for the grant at the same time as you submit your manuscript. Requested using the formulario de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC.

For PeerJ after acceptance of the article. Requested using the formulario de la Red de Bibliotecas y Archivos del CSIC.

For ACS, MDPI, F1000Research and PNAS, must not be requested using the form of the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC. The author must identify himself to the editor as a member of the CSIC. This will be stated to the editor, during the online submission of the manuscript: for example, with the domain "@csic.es" in the email, with affiliation data that clearly identify the CSIC, marking CSIC in the drop-down list of institutions,... (see instructions for each case in these FAQs).

Tuesday, 1 September 2020