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The CSIC Libraries and Archives Network and the "White Paper Scientific Challenges CSIC 2030".

Within the White Paper Scientific Challenges CSIC 2030, which offers the reflections raised from the institution around 14 strategic themes chosen for their scientific impact and social importance is the chapter dedicated to Open Science: Open Science: Reproducibility, transparency and reliability, which is part of Topic 10 of the book: Complex and digital information, which has been coordinated by the Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research (URICI).

The White Paper Scientific Challenges CSIC 2030 presents the reflection proposed by the CSIC on 14 strategic themes chosen for their scientific impact and social importance. Fundamental questions are analyzed, including the future exploration of the universe, artificial intelligence, ocean research, the development of clean, safe and efficient energy and the understanding of how the brain works. The paper addresses complex challenges in areas such as health and social sciences and the selected strategic themes cover both basic issues and potential applications of knowledge.

"The 14 White Papers, designed as a reference for the elaboration of the institution's scientific strategy, provide an insight into the research being carried out today at CSIC centers, and at the same time provide a global vision of what the scientific priorities will be over the next decade," explains Victoria Moreno-Arribas, Deputy Vice-President for Scientific-Technical Areas at CSIC.

Each of the challenges also identifies the lines of work that, through the collaboration of several highly complementary CSIC teams and other associated groups, will expand the frontiers of knowledge and propose solutions to major global challenges.

The CSIC 2030 White Paper, together with other instruments consolidated during the 2021 Action Plan, such as the Interdisciplinary Thematic Platforms (PTI), place the CSIC in a relevant position to define the new actions of the CSIC 2025 Strategic Plan, boost scientific impact by leading new actions and initiatives within the framework of the Recovery Plan measures, and consolidate its social commitment.

The Strategic Themes are the following (you can see the videos of the 14 Themes here):

T1. Sustainable global society

T2. Origin of life

T3. Genome and epigenetics

T4. Biomedicine and health

T5. Brain, mind and behavior

T6. Sustainable primary production

T7. Global change

T8. Efficient, clean and safe energy

T9. Understanding the basic components of the universe

T10. Complex and digital information

T11. Artificial intelligence, robotics and data science.

T12. Space, colonization and exploration

T13. Ocean

T14. Dynamic Earth


Monday, 1 March 2021