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New search filter in our catalog for Simurg records, CSIC digitized collections

The CSIC Libraries and Archives Network Catalog has been enabled to limit the search only to records available in Simurg, CSIC's digitized collections. This new option is located in the drop-down filters of the simple and advanced search and joins the existing partial filters of the Archives Catalog, the Bibliographic Catalog and the Institutional Repository DIGITAL.CSIC.  The aim is to make it easier for users and staff to locate digitized documents in Simurg.

The filter can be used in the simple search:


and in the advanced search:



Once the results are obtained, the short record provides a link to the physical document data and another to its digital reproduction in Simurg.

In the filter section of the results, as is the case throughout the catalog, you can also restrict the search by "Availability" (which will be the same for physical documents with access to their digital reproduction online), by "Type of resource" and by "Library or Archive", among other options.



Friday, 30 July 2021