
Liti / Litio / LithiumBrom / Brom / BromineArgó / Argón / ArgonItri / Itrio / Yttrium


New SciFinder Discovery Platform available from November 15 for all CSIC users

The Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC and the Scientific Information Resources Unit (URICI) have subscribed to the improved and enriched version of SciFinder called SciFinder Discovery Platform for the whole CSIC. It will be available from November 15, 2022. From that date until 31 December, the two versions will coexist:  SciFinder on the Web (old version) and this new SciFinder Discovery Platform.

SciFinder Discovery Platform allows access to SciFinder-n (the new SciFinder!), CAS Analytical Methods (database of analytical methods) and CAS Formulus (database containing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural and other formulations). SciFinder Discovery Platform is the ideal search platform for any scientist (chemist, biologist, physicist, physician, veterinarian, health sciences, material science, analytical, etc.). It contains, for example, the modules for retrosynthesis and sequence searches (proteins, nucleic acids), in addition to options to search by patents, perform "prior art searches", among many other options.

More information about SciFinder Discovery Platform:

    How to access SciFinder Discovery Platform: Cómo acceder a SciFinder Discovery Platform
    SciFinder-n home page, first steps: Página principal de SciFinder-n, primeros pasos
    Training Seminar (access, migration of searches saved in SciFinder on the Web, searches by subject, substance, reaction, retrosynthesis, use of CAS Analytical Methods and Formulus modules): Seminari de Formació

Wednesday, 16 November 2022