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Narrating yesterday, First edition of the Contest of micro-stories and micro-poems of Simurg

With the aim of traveling to the past, giving it the value it deserves and bringing it to our present, the First Contest "Narrating Yesterday" is born, organized by URICI, and based in this first edition on the collection of photographs of the Archive of Ethnography and Folklore of Catalonia (AEFC) of the Milà i Fontanals Institution for Research in the Humanities (IMF).

The micro-stories and micro-poems will have a free theme but must be inspired by one of the photographs in the collection created for the contest, available on the Simurg portal of the heritage collections of the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC. The theme can deal with any aspect present or evoked by the selected photograph: landscape, period, clothing, buildings, people, the past, etc.

Submissions will be accepted from July 1 until September 15, 2023.

The winners will be announced in the last week of October, coinciding with the celebrations for International Library Day (October 24). The shortlisted works will be published in an anthology, without commercial exploitation, for the sole purpose of dissemination, which will become part of the Collective Catalog of the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC.

Friday, 30 June 2023