
Liti / Litio / LithiumBrom / Brom / BromineArgó / Argón / ArgonItri / Itrio / Yttrium


CORE Recommender in DIGITAL.CSIC

The CORE Recommender has been implemented in DIGITAL.CSIC, whereby at item level other items deposited either in DIGITAL.CSIC or in other open access repositories/journals that may be semantically aligned with the item consulted in DIGITAL.CSIC are suggested.

This service is offered by the CORE open access aggregator and the recommended items are always open access to facilitate their discovery and use. The semantic alignment of CORE Recommender takes into account various metadata of the item being consulted (e.g., title, keywords), as well as the full text if it is an open access item. Recommendations are displayed at the bottom of each item in DIGITAL.CSIC with a maximum of 5 items suggested in the DIGITAL.CSIC tab and another 5 in the tab for other open access infrastructures.

Examples can be found here: https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/282085 and https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/161212.

Monday, 4 December 2023