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V REBIUN Strategic Plan: 2024-2027

REBIUN, in its commitment to helping its member libraries to lead their institutions in information access and service provision in the digital age, has approved its strategic plan for the period 2024-2027.

The strategy is organised into four facets, identified as lines: one aimed at reformulating the library model to accommodate the new developments of the digital transformation, another focused on policy and strategy related to open science, a third called teams and professional training, and the last on the governance, collaboration and internationalisation of REBIUN, which has to do with its internal organisation and relations with its immediate institutional environment and with professional organisations at national and international level. A transversal area is incorporated into this fourth area, understood in this way both in terms of its possible involvement with the other lines and with that of the CRUE, and even externally, such as artificial intelligence.

Wednesday, 7 February 2024