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Survey of satisfaction with the services of the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network 2024

From Wednesday May 22 to Friday June 14, the Survey of satisfaction with the services of the Network of Libraries and Archives of the CSIC 2024 will be available.

The survey, which has been carried out every two years since 2012, is part of the AECSIC Quality and Innovation Management Plan 2022-2025, specifically as part of the Quality Project 2: "Quality in Scientific Information and Library Services".

The CSIC Libraries and Archives Network provides scientific information services, both face-to-face and telematic, to CSIC research staff and external personnel through different tools and information sources: books and journals (printed or electronic), archival collections, databases, the CSIC Virtual Library, the institutional repository Digital. CSIC, Simurg (CSIC digitized heritage collections), GesBIB (CSIC scientific publication impact), bibliographic managers, anti-plagiarism tools, PROA (Open Access Publication Support Program for CSIC authors), 100% Digital Plan, etc.

The aim of the survey is to know the satisfaction levels of the people who use the Network services, as well as the evolution over time of these satisfaction levels. Your responses will help to improve the research support provided by the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network.

Links of interest:

Friday, 24 May 2024