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Download UNE Standards in AENORmás for CSIC users and centers.

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

For several years now, access to the AENORmás platform has been available in the CSIC Virtual Library, from which UNE standards can be consulted and downloaded. The CSIC subscribes to this service through the Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research (URICI), so that downloading these standards is free and transparent for libraries. AENORmás has recently updated its platform, and has communicated the following improvements:

Narrating yesterday, First edition of the Contest of micro-stories and micro-poems of Simurg

Friday, 30 June 2023

With the aim of traveling to the past, giving it the value it deserves and bringing it to our present, the First Contest "Narrating Yesterday" is born, organized by URICI, and based in this first edition on the collection of photographs of the Archive of Ethnography and Folklore of Catalonia (AEFC) of the Milà i Fontanals Institution for Research in the Humanities (IMF).

Open Science Joint Statement: the signatory institutions welcome European efforts in favor of publicly owned, not-for-profit scholarly communication.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Science Europe (SE) has issued a joint statement welcoming the adoption by the Council of the European Union (EU) of conclusions on high-quality, transparent, open, trustworthy and fair academic publishing. These are statements of intent for the time being, but they may be a game changer.

Introducing PROA, the new identity of the CSIC Open Access Publishing Support Program

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

After more than 15 years of operation, URICI (Unidad de Recursos de Información Científica para la Investigación) renews the image and name of the Program to suport open access publishing for CSIC authors. From now on it will be known as PROA, a term that evokes the concepts "program" and "open access".
