IV Training Course on Positive Matrix Factorization on 5‐7th February 2020 at the IDAEA-CSIC

Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is a complex mixture of particles emitted by multiple sources. Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) is a widely used receptor model to
perform PM source apportionment studies, identifying main sources of pollution and estimating their contributions to PM concentrations in ambient air.

International experts on receptor models and their applications to environmental sciences will offer a comprehensive training course on the use of USEPA PMF 5 program.

The course will cover the following topics:

  - Input data uncertainty estimates
  - Case studies for contrasting types of environment
  - Apportionment of PMx, Organic matter, road dust, etc.
  - Coupling of meteorological and epidemiological data

The training course is addressed mostly to PMF beginners (PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and environmental technicians).


Preliminary Agenda

5th February(09:00: 16:30)

  - Welcome. The experience of IDAEA-CSIC. Xavier Querol. Research Professor at IDAEA-CSIC
  - The use of PMF for epidemiological data. Xavier Basagaña. Researcher at ISGlobal
  - The state-of-the-art of Receptor modelling. Philip K. Hopke. Professor at University of Rochester Medical Center (USA)
  - The USEPA PMF 5 software. Fulvio Amato. Researcher at IDAEA-CSIC
  - Coupling source contribution estimates with meteo data. Marco Pandolfi. Researcher at IDAEA-CSIC
  - The application of PMF to ACSM/AMS data. Maria Cruz Minguillón. Researcher at IDAEA-CSIC

6th February (09:00: 17:30)

  - Training session on USEPA PMF5

7th February (09:00: 14:00)

  - Training session on USEPA PMF5


Limited to the first 30 applications. Subscription fee: 250€.

Interested parties should send an email to the following address :
Fulvio Amato
Tel: +34 934006129


 Fourth PMF training course - 2020



dijous, 1 agost 2019