Environmental Sciences Seminar Series

Dins l'Environmental Sciences Seminar Series, el divendres 28 d'abril a la Sala d'actes del CID a les 12:00, farà una presentació:


Kimberly Jill Hageman (Associate Professor)

Department of Chemistry, University of Otago, New Zealand

 "Developing Models for Predicting Pesticide Vapor Drift & Exposure to Honey Bees"


Brief cv. My research focuses on the fate, transport, and impacts of organic contaminants in the environment.  The laboratory I direct quantifies organic contaminants in soils, sediment, fish, macroinvertebrates, bees, plants, water, and air, primarily using gas chromatography with mass selective detection.  I mainly focus on semi-volatile chemicals, including current-use pesticides, brominated flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, persistent organic pollutants, and organic biomarkers for paleoclimate studies.  My research group develops and validates methods for the extraction and clean-up of analytes from complex environmental matrices.  To better understand the fate of semi-volatile chemicals, we conduct field work, perform laboratory experiments (e.g. measurement of partition coefficients), and develop chemical fate models. I enjoy working with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, with current collaborators coming from Geology, Geography, Earth Science, Marine Science, and Zoology Departments.


dimarts, 25 abril 2017