Exhibition Antonio Fraguas ‘Forges’ hacía humor de la vida cotidiana. Entre los múltiples aspectos que abordaba en sus viñetas, incluyó de forma recurrente la ciencia y la tecnología, así como al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) como símbolo de la investigación pública española. «La Ciencia según Forges» es una exposición que recopila algunas de estas viñetas, a la vez que un recorrido gráfico por el pasado, el presente y el porvenir de la investigación. La muestra también trata de ser una ventana a la divulgación, a la curiosidad y a un mejor conocimiento público de lo que desde la ciencia y la investigación se ofrece a la sociedad. |
Exhibition This exhibition opens on 8th March to make visible 21 scientific women who have revolutionized society from 1700 to 1960, but who in most cases have been kept anonymous due to the social machismo in his time. |
Exhibition L’exposició “Científiques catalanes 2.0”, nascuda al 2020 pretén donar una major visibilitat al paper estratègic de les dones científiques del nostre territori, que es preocupen per comunicar la ciència a fi de contribuir a crear i divulgar rols i models femenins, especialment en els àmbits de les ciències i les enginyeries. És de vital importància conèixer les dones de ciència per ajudar a superar els estereotips de gènere en les disciplines STEAM. Així, l’objectiu de l’exposició és posar de manifest el paper fonamental de la dona en l’avanç de la ciència en la societat, tot destacant algunes científiques del nostre entorn més proper, el territori català. . |
Exhbition The exhibition ‘Cuerpos de Lewy: Des-connexions en moviment’ (‘Lewy Bodies: Dis-connections in motion’) by the visual artist Alejandra Morales (@Litomorales_art), can be visited at the Passadís del Pont of the CID-CSIC, from April 12 to May 14. The exhibition will be open to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
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Exposición A partir del 11 de febrero de 2021 en el Passadís del Pont del CID-CSIC se ha situado la exposición Mujeres de ciencia sobre el papel. Una selección de libros con un nexo común, la mujer en el mundo de la ciencia. “Mujeres de ciencia sobre el papel” es una exposición creada bajo el auspicio de la Comisión de Igualdad del CID para conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia el 11 de febrero de 2021. . |
Exhibition Des de l'1 de desembre de 2020 fins el 15 de gener de 2021 al Passadís del Pont del CID-CSIC s'ha situat l'exposición Mirades emmascarades. Un seguit de fotos de part del personal del Centre amb mascareta, tal i com ens hem de veure entre nosaltres per les mesures de protecció contra la Covid-19. Lluís Fajarí, Gerent del CID, torna a agafar la seva càmera fotogràfica per donar un caire artístic a allò que ès quotidià. Com a pròleg a triat el poema "Joc de mirades" de Jordi Abellan Deu. . |
Exhibition En el Passadís del Pont del CID-CSIC se ha situado la exposición #CineCienciaCID, una pequeña selección de carteles de películas, así como el código QR para su visionado online, relacionadas con la ciencia y la investigación. Podéis participar proponiendo vuestra "película de ciencia" preferida en el panel situado al lado o compartiendo las impresiones tuiteando en el hashtag #CineCienciaCID #CineCienciaCID es una iniciativa del equipo de Comunicación del CID, Ana Sotres y Alberto Vílchez, y de Fernando del Blanco Rodríguez, responsable de la Biblioteca CID. |
Exhibition CID Manager, Lluís Fajarí, presents a few of his photographs in the Passadís del Pont at the same CID. This exhibition will remain for a month and a half. "Formes, textures, natura" ("Shapes, textures, nature") is a collection of photographs of diverse themes, but they have in common the detailed vision of fragments of a close, natural and even everyday environment, where we can meet it at any time. Fragments of life taken out of context, which acquire in themselves a new dimension, either by their own form, the characteristic of the material or the impression they cause us, that provide in themselves a new perception of beauty or sensations, where each observer can interpret and add yours.
Exhibition La instal·lació conté dotze rellotges que marquen l'hora de dotze ciutats de diferents parts del món que presenten problemes de pol·lució ambiental. El projecte proposa una reflexió en torn al volumen de contaminació al que estem sotmesos els ciutadans i esbossa el desenllaç alegòric al que ens abocaria no comprendre la magnitut de aquest risc. Cadascú dels rellotges continuarà girant mentrestant les seves agulles siguin capaces de superar la resistència creixent i incessant de la substància estranya que les entorpeixen. Les nostres ciutats podran continuar fent girar les seves agulles? Per quant de temps? |
Exhibition On April 23, the photo exhibition "There is a light that never goes out" by Silvia Panarello was inaugurated, Predoctoral Researcher at the Advanced Chemistry Institute of Catalonia (IQAC). Photographs are the day to day of his work. As well as chemistry must be the day to day of your life. The title of the exhibition is based on a song. So Silvia suggests that you feel free to associate the title of other songs or a part of the lyrics to the photo that inspire you. Markers and post-its are available next to the photos. It is also possible to add more than one song to the same photo, whatever the language or musical genre. |
Exhibition Enric Masó ens presenta aquest cop la seva obra més recent amb un nou tema: "El meu món artístic sobre paper". D’aquesta manera podrem fer una passejada virtual per als 7 panells que componen el passadís artístic anomenat "Passadís del Pont". |
Advance Exhibition Advance about what we will have in the second edition of the Post-Books exhibition. The collective 4-Elements returns with new works within the current madcap creativity and on the occasion of the success obtained in the first edition. |
Exhibition The Library of the CID-CSIC hosted the opening of the exhibition "Pictures and cameras pinhole" on Friday, April 20, 2018 by the author and fellow Jesus Joglar (IQAC-CSIC) who offered an explanation of this photographic technique, showed us some of their pinhole cameras, and then we could see the photographs obtained with this technique that are exposed in the bridge corridor, next to the Assembly Hall. |
Exhibition The installation "conTIMEminació" and the assembly "Toximan" were developed by the artist Francisco Martínez Gómez (also known as Paco by his colleagues from the CID), and were configured as an artistic development of several of the research areas of the CID: environment , air and water pollution, etc. |
Exhibition Within the framework of 50 years of the CID, was held the FotoCeIDe scientific photography contest, which aimed to show an artistic and aesthetic vision through photography of the daily scientific activity of the people and services of the center who make up the institutes and the disclosure of the work that is done. Result of this contest became the exhibition and later the use of photographs in different areas. |
Exhibition Pieces of "Pre-Books" constitute the discursive back of "Post-Books, Neo-Books, No Books" and we deepen in the reflection that the artists carry out around communication, framing it, in addition, in its spiritual transcendence, in the ancestral need of humans being to transcend and seek an explanation to the world through its interaction with the divinity and the configuration of myths, legends and cosmogonies. |
Exhibition The questioning that artists do addresses how the object and the concept "book" relates to other objects, with other symbologies, and plays with their dislodge and relocation in self-referential discursive environments (in their own shelves) where it is possible to "read and reread" the object "to unmold it and establish a framework for reflection on the present, the past and the future of scientific libraries. |
Exhibition A sample based on the sheets of the work of José María López Piñero, edited and published by the CSIC, in which some of the most representative works that have illustrated the progress of science in the Hispanic world from the XV century to the present. |