Cycle of Cinema and Science "Chemistry and Celluloid"

The Cycle of Cinema and Science "Chemistry and Celluloid", organized by the Residència d'Investigadors and the Delegation of the CSIC in Catalonia, will be celebrated on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Periodic Table.

Each one of the 4 projections includes an introduction by a CSIC expert scientist and a subsequent discussion with the public. You can follow the conversation on Twitter with the #celluloidAITP tag

Gemma Fàbrias Domingo, director and researcher at the CID-CSIC and IQAC-CSIC, will make an introduction of the film Marie Curie (Marie Noëlle, 2016) next 4th October.


Monday, 30 September 2019

PhD Thesis Defense by Mireia Quintana (IQAC-CSIC) at the CID-CSIC Sala d'Actes Room

PhD Thesis Defense by Mireia Quintana (IQAC-CSIC) on 30th September at the CID-CSIC Sala d'Actes Room.

Title: Screening and biological evaluation of novel anti-cancer agents and lipid profiling of autophagy-related proteins
Speaker:  Mireia Quintana


Monday, 30 September 2019

Nit Europea de la Recerca

Por séptimo año consecutivo, el último viernes del mes de septiembre se celebra en toda Europa “La Noche Europea de los investigadores (Researchers’ Night)". Es un festival de divulgación científica, cuyo objetivo es acercar a la ciudadanía la ciencia y la investigación que se lleva a cabo en los Centros de Investigación y Universidades.


Thursday, 26 September 2019

Xerrada de Cristiano Zonta, de la Universitat de Pàdua

Ens visita en Cristiano Zonta, de la Universitat de Pàdua i aprofitant la seva visita farà una xerrada a la Sala d'Actes del CID-CSIC

Speaker: Cristiano Zonta (Università di Padova)
Title: Metal-Ligand Supramolecular Architectures: From Chirality Sensing to Molecular Confinement


Thursday, 26 September 2019

Candidate for a PhD grant on chemical composition of atmospheric organic pollutants under temperature inversion

The Geochemistry and Pollution research group offers a PhD grant on chemical composition of atmospheric organic pollutants under temperature inversion.

This project aims to make a strong leap forward into the understanding of the changes in chemical composition of atmospheric organic pollutants under temperature inversion.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Raimon Martínez Prats in the “IDAEA weekly seminar series” next 25th September

Announcement for IDAEA weekly seminar series taking place this Wednesday 25th at CID – Sala d’Actes room at 12 am.

Speaker: Raimon Martínez Prats
Title: Passive sampling: calibration, detection and quantification of POPs in high-mountain lakes from the National Park of Aigüestortes


Monday, 23 September 2019

Seminar at the IDAEA by Dr Lei Tong (童蕾) of the China University of Geosciences

Dr Lei Tong (童蕾), Associate Professor at the School of Environmental Studies of the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). will give a seminar within the "Environmental Sciences Seminar Series" of the IDAEA.

Speaker: Dr Lei Tong (童蕾), Associate Professor at the School of Environmental Studies of the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Title: Antibiotics in groundwater and their environmental effect
Date: 26th September 2019
Time: 4:00 p.m.


Monday, 23 September 2019

Jornada: "Introducción a las Formalidades Aduaneras y Comercio Exterior"

Ante la creciente complejidad de las formalidades aduaneras a las que se enfrentan los ICU del CSIC, sobre todo en lo referente a los envíos de mercancías, muestras o equipamiento científico y el coste que ello supone, el CID-CSIC de Barcelona (IDAEA y IQAC) celebrará una jornada informativa que impartirá el agente de aduanas DELTRANSA, con el fin de adquirir y/o actualizar conocimientos en lo relativo a la actividad logística de los centros e institutos interesados.

Friday, 20 September 2019

The CSIC has joined to the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path to improve everyone's life, leaving no one behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including from the elimination of poverty to the fight against climate change, education, women's equality, the defense of the environment or the design of our cities.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

José Luis Jiménez (Universidad de Colorado) dará una charla sobre su investigación actual

José Luis Jiménez, mundialmente reconocido experto en química-física de aerosoles atmosféricos de la Universidad de Colorado dará una charla sobre su investigación actual el jueves 26 de septiembre a las 10:00h en el Salón de Actos del IDAEA-CSIC.

Speaker: José Luis Jiménez (Professor Department of Chemistry - University of Colorado Boulder)
Title: Recent Results about Aerosol Sources, Properties, Processes, and Fate in Remote, Urban, and Indoor air


Tuesday, 17 September 2019
