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New version of the CSIC Libraries and Archives Network's mobile application

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

It has been almost a year since the mobile application of the Network of Libraries and Archives Network was launched. After a few months of operation, the app has been remodeled and a new version is now available. As a novelty, in addition to the highlight of the week, you can view and consult a carousel with the contents of our Twitter and Instagram accounts, both of the Network and Digital.CSIC. The options have also been reconfigured to make it easier to access the most used functionalities.

Help guide to the call for the accreditation of six-year research periods.

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

From the GesBIB service: Impact of CSIC scientific publication, a small guide has been prepared to help in the call for accreditation of six-year research periods, with specific and guided cases of the different indicators mentioned in the call. 
The guide is a living document, in which we will be improving or adding the different cases of use.

New CRUE-CSIC agreement with Wiley to publish free of charge in Gold OA journals in 2023

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

The CRUE-CSIC agreement with the publisher Wiley, initiated in 2021, renewed in 2022 and then extended until 2024, has been focused on the financing of open access articles in the so-called hybrid journals (those that still have a subscription part, for whose reading you have to pay). The result for the CSIC in the past year has been the publication of about 350 articles in open access, at no cost to the authors, in this type of journals.

American Chemical Society eBooks (ACS Symposium and Advances in Chemistry) available for one year to CSIC

Monday, 19 December 2022

Over the next 12 months, access to more than 1,600 monographs of the American Chemical Society will be available. This includes the digital version of the ACS Symposium Series and Advances in Chemistry Series, all the volumes published by this society between 1949 and 2022.
